csp; dg x=60 y=5 w=200 h=3 c=0,0,100 ga=h gd=s gi=5; dt a=c x=160 y=10 t="ADC" f=18b; dg x=60 y=30 w=200 h=3 c=0,0,100 ga=h gd=s gi=5; dt x=160 y=35 bw=300 t="Oneshot conversion" a=c ld=l; db x=54 y=51 c=0,0,100 w=106 h=35 t="Convert" a="ADC v=?"; df x=161 y=51 gc=0,0,0 w=106 h=35 t="Voltage(mV)" ft=vt pm="ADC v=%d\r\n"; dt x=160 y=90 bw=300 t="Continuous conversion(to buffer)" a=c ld=l; db x=3 y=106 c=0,0,100 w=78 h=35 t="Set rate(Hz)" a="ADC sr=%dHz"; db x=82 y=106 c=0,0,100 w=78 h=35 t="Set count" a="ADC sc=%d"; db x=161 y=106 c=0,0,100 w=157 h=35 t="Read buffer" a="ADC rb=?"; db x=3 y=142 c=0,0,100 w=157 h=35 t="Start oneshot" a="ADC os=1"; db x=161 y=142 c=0,0,100 w=157 h=35 t="Stop oneshot" a="ADC os=0"; db x=3 y=178 c=0,0,100 w=157 h=35 t="Start continuous" a="ADC cc=1"; db x=161 y=178 c=0,0,100 w=157 h=35 t="Stop continuous" a="ADC cc=0"; dt x=160 y=215 bw=300 t="Timer triggered conversions with plotting" a=c ld=l; db x=3 y=231 c=0,0,100 w=157 h=35 t="Set period and start" a="TIM p=%d s=1 a=\"ADC v=?\""; db x=161 y=231 c=0,0,100 w=157 h=35 t="Stop" a="TIM s=0"; dp x=9 m=a y=270 w=310 h=160 pm="ADC v=%d\r\n"; df x=0 y=430 w=320 h=30 t="- Buffer -" pm="ADC rb=%s\r\n"; dg x=10 y=463 w=300 h=1 c=50,50,50; df x=0 y=465 w=320 h=15 ft=vo pm="%s\r\n";