Add HOST UART interface (top-side connector) vs UART
interface (side connector) clarification to Quick Start tips
Version 2.1.0 (24.06.2024)
Add image widget chapter
Add hardware ver.1.1 description, images and specifications
Add new WIFI module description
Add DisableRepliesToUart, DisableRepliesToUsb and DisableCommMirror parameters to system command
Add important usage tips to Quick Start chapter
Version 2.0.1 (4.12.2023)
Add missing WIFI commands
Improvements/additions to WIFI module description chapter
Add factory reset procedure to buttons description in “Hardware description” chapter
Version 2.0.0 (2.10.2023)
Add WIFI chapter with related commands and remote control description
Add MODBUS chapter with related commands
Add ActionOnParse command for extracting messages content and executing configured action with it
Add DisableInternalCommandEchoing and UseAlternateHostUart parameters to SYStem command.
Add notes that quotes that are not the beginning or the end of command parameter body must be escaped by '\'
Version 1.3.0 (06.04.2023)
Add ParseMask parameter to slider to readjust it automatically when message is parsed on some value
Button, checkbox and form label text can be multi-line using ‘\n’ (same as text widget)
Add LineSpacing parameter to all widgets with multi-line capability
Add ContinueOnActionError system command that allows to continue processing of multi-command actions when previous command has failed (action parameter of buttons, sliders, checkboxes, trigger or timer)
Add Wait system command to delay EasyTerm from processing other commands in a blocking manner
Slider TrackColor parameter renamed to OutlineColor
Removed multiline parameter from text widget as it is always multi-line when ‘\n’ characters are used
Add Quick start chapter
Version 1.2.0 (08.02.2023)
Add expression-based read format for interfaces
Add list of error messages with tips and descriptions
Changed UART txrx functionality and improved descriptions on UART transactions.
Add form float parse mask with configurable precision
Add description of command/reply pairing option
Initialized changed to Init
Comm. interfaces ReadFormat must be enclosed in quotation marks from now
Version 1.1.0 (25.11.2022)
Add initialized parameter to several interfaces
Add I2C scan features
Fixed descriptions – SPI and UART transaction sizes are in words not bytes (as transaction can have more than 8 bits)
Fixed default width/heights descriptions for widgets where automatic dimension calculation applies
Add TextMargin parameter to checkbox
Version 1.0.2 (29.8.2022)
Add description for multi-action feature for button widget
(action selectable by user) with multi-label possibility.
Update DAC interface API.
Add 10b addressing parameter to I2C.
Add different bit order feature to SPI (LSb first).
Improvements, fixes
Version 1.0.1i (16.7.2022)
Add chapter describing update procedure of FW via USB using
STM32CubeProgrammer app
Add description of checkbox labeling feature (text and
textOrigin parameters)
Add description of different checkbox styling possibilities
with examples and new backgroundColor and checkboxWidth
Add description of text line decoration feature
(lineDecoration, lineDecorationColor and
lineDecorationThickness parameters)